For some time, we have been monitoring the industry debate as to whether or not a Residential Rental Provider can perform smoke detector safety checks.

To guarantee the consistent functionality of smoke alarms, it's imperative to recognise that they demand periodic attention. In this regard, the Residential Tenancy Regulations in Victoria instituted a critical requirement for rental properties, dictating that qualified tradespeople must conduct thorough smoke alarm safety checks on an annual basis. AS1851 states that a Competent Person is a person who maintains all relevant licensing, qualifications, experience, and capabilities to perform all required maintenance, testing, inspection, and reporting tasks.

Firstly, with that said, there is no qualification/licence for a Smoke Alarm Specialist. There is no national licence, validation, accreditation or compliance checks required to install or test in the case of battery operated alarms (hard wired of course require an electrician).

But secondly, there is a bit more to a ‘thorough’ smoke alarm safety check, than simply changing over the battery each year when daylight savings ends.

So here are some things for Rental Providers to consider when they are deciding if they can/should perform the check themselves.


Should I Perform My Own Smoke Alarm Checks?

Am I versed in AS1851?

The Australian fire safety standard developed to standardise the maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements for the many different types of fire suppression and fire detection systems.

Am I versed in AS1670?

The Australian Standard for fire detection, warning and control systems. This standard covers the design, installation and commissioning of fire detection, warning and control systems.




Other Important Considerations

Am I aware of: The rules surrounding construction or major renovation age of a property and how that dictates how smoke alarms must be connected?

Am I aware of: How to replace battery operated smoke alarms if they are faulty or expired knowing that only a qualified electrician can replace faulty or expired hard wired alarms?

Am I aware of: Locational positioning of all smoke alarms, to meet regulations and how to avoid dead airspace?

Am I able to: Detect any visible faults or signs of damage that may inhibit the alarm from being effective in the event of a fire-related emergency?

Am I aware of: How to test the alarm buttons are functional and conduct a simulation smoke test?

Am I aware of: How to conduct a decibel test and decipher the reading?

Am I aware of: How to effectively clean each unit and assess the expiry dates to ensure that all tested equipment can continue to perform at a standard that complies with AS1851.?

Am I aware of: How to perform preventative Maintenance, or actions that may help to prevent non-conformance or critical defects?

Am I aware of: The difference between photoelectric and ionization smoke alarms, which are preferred and how to identify them?

Am I aware of: Whether or not my property has interconnected smoke alarms and if not, should it?

Will I : Complete maintenance logbooks for all serviced alarms showing the property follows all the current smoke alarm rules, that the smoke alarms have been thoroughly checked and are compliant and then keep appropriate records as required by the RTA.


What Is The Best Course Of Action?

It seems obvious to us at First National Neilson Partners, that the best course of action to ensure full compliance and the safety of renters, is to engage a contractor for the small cost of around $100 per year. It is a practical and beneficial investment, far outweighing the risk to owners if they cannot demonstrate thorough and diligent self-checks.

Some final food for thought and as far as we know, yet to be tested, in the worst case scenario, would insurance companies have to honour a policy claim, if self-performed safety checks are deemed incomplete?

First National Real Estate Neilson Partners have a dedicated Maintenance Team on hand to help with your maintenance requirements. If you require further guidence on smoke alarms or anything else, pleae do not hesitate to contact us.



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