Update to the Residential Tenancy Lease Agreement
Update to the Residential Tenancy Lease Agreement

Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) recently announced the new laws on pets in rental properties commenced on the 2nd March 2020. In line with these new laws, we are making minor changes to the Pet clause of our Residential Tenancy Agreement. The old clause has now been replaced with :

Pets at my premises

a)         Before you have a pet of any description at my premises you must request my permission by completing the “Pet request form”, which is available at consumer.vic.gov.au/renting. If you are seeking permission to have more than one pet, you must complete a separate form for each pet.

b)         If I consent to the pet/s being at the rented premises I will record that consent on the form and supply a copy to you.

c)         If I do not consent to the pet/s being at the rented premises I will notify you and within 14 days of receiving the request make application to VCAT for an order that it is reasonable for me to refuse consent to the pet request.

d)         If I do not respond to your request or make application to VCAT within 14 days of receiving the request you can take it that I have consented to the request.

e)         If I reasonably believe you are keeping a pet at the rented premises without my consent, I may apply to VCAT for an order to exclude the pet from the rented premises.

f)          Application for my consent is not necessary if you have or are to acquire an assistance dog (a dog that is trained to perform tasks that help a person with a disability to reduce the effects of their disability). If you wish to have a pet in addition to an assistance dog an application for consent will be necessary.

Download the Consumer Affairs regulated Pet Request Form HERE

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