Matterport Virtual Tours
Matterport Virtual Tours

As we move into these unique and trying times, the manner in which we conduct inspections on properties has had to change drastically - and with lightning speed.

At least for the time being, we cannot conduct open homes, and the ability to show people through properties in a private setting is both restrictive and extremely poor in relation to time efficiencies.

Whilst many vendors have utilised 3D Video tours for a while, we can now see this resource being the way of the future when leasing residential investment properties.  The functionality has been around for approximately 4 years and since its shaky beginnings, most people now adays are viewing properties on hand held devices such as phones and tablets, making this tool a smart way to not only reach people, but do so in at a largely unprecedented standard for rentals. 

First National Neilson Partners have this technology at our fingertips and ready to be used.

Whilst times are strange to say the least, the fact remains that there are still tenants out there looking to relocate or find accommodation, and 3D video tours will help to attract them to your property and differentiate you in an extraordinarily weird marketplace.

Better than a few online photos, prospective tenants can redo the tour as many times as they like checking things they need to clarify, measuring distances to see if  their furniture fits and getting a complete feel of the home that is not possible from photos alone. And let’s be honest, though we do our best, handheld videos though helpful, do not display any property to the professional standard that this can.

For only $160, we will prepare internal photos, a few external shots and the virtual tour/video.

Can you afford not to have a quality 3D tour?

One more reason to list with First National Neilson Partners so contact us today for details.


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