For many years now, the Real Institute of Victoria has advised real estate agents/landlords to have the smoke alarms in their rental properties maintained on a regular basis by a contractor.
This follows legal proceedings where landlords were held responsible and paid damages after a fire where smoke alarms did not activate. The battery in a smoke alarm must be replaced at least once a year and a smoke alarm must be replaced every ten years, or earlier in some instances.
Whilst there is no legislation in place yet to enforce the monitoring of Carbon Monoxide, the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 requires that landlords ensure gas heating appliances supplied in their rented accommodation are properly maintained and safe to use. Energy Safe Victoria recommends that gas heating appliances are serviced, at a minimum, every two years and ambient conditions such as adequate ventilation tested to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide leaking.
At Neilson Partners we are proud to offer a Carbon Monoxide Test and Gas Heater Preventative Maintenance program to our valued clients. This program ensures both your investment and your tenants are appropriately protected against the risks associated with carbon monoxide leaking from faulty or inadequately maintained ducted/space/wall furnace gas heater/s at your investment property.
We have negotiated cost effective packages for each of the programs with appropriately licenced and insured contractors.
Please don't hesitate to get in contact with us to discuss your needs in relation to this.