Information Portals
Information Portals

The recent launch of both our landlord and tenant information portals went exceptionally well and has been received very positively by all clients so far.

The ‘Property Tree Portals’ are online platforms where both landlords and tenants can access their property or tenancy information and communicate directly with First National Neilson Partners. The portals provide greater flexibility to have real time access to specific information, whenever it is needed. Our Property Managers are always very busy and can be away from the offices for hours at a time and upon their return to the office, they can have many phone calls and or emails to answer and respond to. We understand that it is our responsibility to fulfill our clients’ needs and do so in a reasonable time. Important tasks being completed away from the office are necessary but can interrupt communications being actioned as quickly as possible sometimes, which is why solutions like landlord and tenant portals have now become essential for our real estate business in finding efficient ways to provide our customers with the high-quality service they deserve.

By providing access to this domain, our clients can now instantly see their current information such as their property, any rental arrears, lease and management information, maintenance requests and routine inspections. Our landlords can also access prior financial statements, view full rental history and respond to maintenance issues.

Importantly, the owner and tenant portals are easily accessible wherever you are in the world, no matter what time of day. All documents and information shared within the portal are saved so all historic information is right at their fingertips whenever they need it.

Gone are the days of waiting for a return call for a basic matter – you can now see most fundamental information at the touch of a button. If you are a landlord or a tenant and have not had a look and signed into the portal, please do so. You will find it an exceptionally helpful resource.

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