The Victorian State Government has announced changes to the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) that will increase mandatory safety obligations.

As a landlord renting a property to tenants in Victoria, you are already legislatively required to provide and maintain smoke alarms, however, Gas and Electrical Safety & Compliance obligations are set to significantly increase for Victorian landlords as well.

If the draft changes become law, as is expected on or before March 29, 2021, a Landlord will be compelled under their duty of care, to employ properly qualified professionals to complete regular safety checks of various gas and electrical services at the investment property/ies.

Energy Safe Victoria recommends gas appliances be serviced at least every two years, with this recommendation to be potentially mandated in the changes.

Furthermore, in relation to electrical safety, the draft changes include the following obligations:

•          The rental provider must ensure an electrical safety check of all electrical appliances, installations and fittings is conducted every 2 years by a licensed or registered electrician

•          The rental provider must provide the renter with the date of the most recent safety check upon request; and

•          If an electrical safety check has not been conducted within the last 2 years, the rental provider must arrange one as soon as practicable upon a renter occupying the premises

•          A record of an electrical safety check must include the following information:

a)        The name of the licensed or registered electrician who conducted the check

b)        The licence or registration number of the licensed or registered electrician who conducted the check

c)        The date the check was conducted; and

d)        The results of the check, including any repairs that were required and actions taken to address the repair

Once the final changes are agreed upon and legislated, we will have a clearer picture as to the extent of works required. From that point we can engage the appropriate professionals to enhance our current gas and smoke alarm programs and cement the structure and processes of our new electrical compliance program.

Contact us for further information

Full list of reforms to RTA as of 29th March 2021

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